Magic House

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Board, Committees & Staff

As a nonprofit organization, The Magic House is governed by a dedicated group of individuals who help guide the organization toward a sustainable future and ensure The Magic House achieves its mission of providing hands-on learning in a place of beauty, wonder, joy, and magic. The Museum’s Board of Directors and supporting committees are comprised of community leaders and area professionals. The Magic House is honored to have the dedication and support of the following individuals.
Board of Directors
  • Sarah Bowman
  • Claire David
  • Rahul Deshpande
  • John Drexler
  • Barbie Freund
  • Steve Grabow
  • Henry Graham
  • Michael Hall
  • Sharonica Hardin-Bartley
  • Russel Hawes
  • Courtney Hill
  • Kimberly Hodge-Bell
  • Linda Hunter
  • Quinn Kiley
  • Alex Lee
  • Brenda McKee
  • Melissa Markwort
  • Paisley Matthews
  • Sara Miller
  • Tim Ney
  • Steve O’Loughlin
  • Lisa Potts
  • Sekhar Prabhakar
  • Beverly Propst
  • Caroline Saunders
  • Carrie Schafer
  • Amy Schnettgoecke
  • John Sheehan
  • Daniel Shlien
  • Andrew Smolik
  • Mary Steward
  • Gwendolyn Taylor
  • Gene Toombs IV
  • David Ulrich
  • Sumit Verma
  • Jessica Willingham
  • Michael Zambrana
Young Professionals Board
  • Charlie Bambini
  • Brian Brown
  • Holly Capp
  • Carter Doll
  • Molly Eime
  • Kate Garry
  • Mitchell Greenblatt
  • Justin Heutel
  • Jake King
  • Natalie O’Loughlin
  • Brittany Phillips
  • Chris Rathjen
  • Liz Rathjen
  • Laura Stolberg
  • Payton Syberg
  • Mary Waldschmidt
Facility Committee
  • Arthur Floyd
  • Brenda McKee
  • Michelle O’Toole
  • Caroline Saunders
  • Chad Smith
  • Gene Toombs
  • Mike Zambrana
Technology Committee
  • Rahul Deshpande
  • Brandon Elliot
  • Jonathan Frech
  • Steve Grabow
  • Henry Graham
  • Sekhar Prabhakar
  • Cassandra Sanford
President's Council
  • Greg Billhartz
  • Maureen Borkowski
  • Matuschka Briggs
  • Bill Canfield
  • Pam Cavness
  • Randy Costas
  • Gene Diederich
  • Nancy Diemer
  • Hazel Donald
  • Ida Early
  • Steve Finerty
  • Susan Goldberg
  • Deb Grossman
  • Jerry Kent
  • Mary Kullman
  • Kathryn Love
  • Laura McBride
  • Andy Newman
  • Sally Schoenecker
  • Tim Swank
  • Bob Virgil
  • Jane Wulf
  • Harvey Wallace
Education Advisory Committee
  • Barbara E. Bragg
  • Paula Burdge
  • Steve Coxon, Ph.D.
  • Gwendolyn Diggs
  • Beth Fitzgerald
  • Emily Frierdich
  • Dr. Brenda Fyfe
  • Dr. Charles Granger
  • Mary Jo Griffin
  • Dr. Sharonica Hardin-Bartley
  • Bill Kent
  • Paula Knight
  • Sherri Lindquist
  • Laura Lytle
  • Dr. Chris McGee
  • Linda Neumann, RN
  • Christine Neumann Deppong
  • Monique Norfolk, M.P.H.
  • Helen Parsons
  • Dr. Nancy Schneider
  • Sally Schoenecker
  • Peggy Sly\
  • Dr. Mini Tandon
  • David Ulrich
  • Dana Walker
  • Dr. Cheryl Watkins Moore, M.B.A.
  • Kimberly Werner
HR Committee
  • Claire David
  • Travis Kearbey
  • Melissa Markwort
  • Beverly Propst
  • Amy Schnettgoecke
  • Katie Swengros
Finance Committee
  • Sarah Bowman
  • John Drexler
  • Quinn Kiley
  • Alex Lee
  • Tim Ney
  • Carrie Schafer
  • Daniel Shlien
  • Andrew Smolik
  • Gwendolyn Taylor
  • Sumit Verma
Friends Committee
  • Stephanie Aiello
  • Maria Conley
  • Debbie Hazard
  • Jason Kohut
  • Katie Lappas
  • Stephanie Lee
  • Julie Linihan
  • Megan Lovell
  • Sarah MacEwan
  • Elizabeth Rosen
  • Rebecca Sheehan
  • Katie Smolik
  • Kate Wiegmann
Development Committee
  • Linda Hunter
  • Tanner Smith
  • Mary Steward
  • Lindsay Taylor
  • Gene Toombs IV
Marketing Committee
  • Cheryle Frenzel
  • Adam Froidl
  • Matt Gardner
  • Mark Mihalevich
  • Brianna Miller
  • Sara Miller
  • John Sheehan
  • Lindsey Shipley
  • Jessica Willingham
Administrative Staff


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